Thank you!

Thank you for your tax-deductible contribution. Your tithes and offerings will be used to further the Gospel message and the kingdom of God. While every effort will be made to apply your gift in accordance with your wishes, Calvary Chapel Kaiserslautern has complete discretion and control over the use of all donated funds.

A Word of Caution

PLEASE DO NOT DONATE BY CREDIT CARD IF YOU ARE CARRYING A BALANCE AND PAY FINANCE CHARGES. Please give by other means: Electronic Funds Transfer from checking account, check, or cash. The poor widow gave out of her poverty, but she did not enter into debt (Mark 12:41-44 and Luke 21:1-4). Is the Lord showing you that you need help in this area? Call the church office @ +49 (0)6371- 616793 and ask to speak to one of the pastors.

If you would like to make the most effective contribution to Calvary Chapel Kaiserslautern, please consider donating via cash (both Euros and Dollars are accepted), placed in a Tithe and Offerings envelopes, which is then placed in an Agape box. You may also setup a recurring allotment with your bank to pay directly. Both of these options generously relieve of us transactions fees adding up to thousands of dollars per year that could be better used for the church instead of paying the bank.

Short of that, checks can be made out to "Calvary Chapel Kaiserslautern" or you can pay via PayPal. However, please bear in mind that PayPal charges us transaction fees for every single month's donation and our German bank charges us fees to accept American checks. If you are able, direct deposit methods listed above will help put more of God's money to the use of His glory instead of the glory of the bank's!

Setup a Recurring Donation Through your Bank:

Donations can be made by direct bank transfer to:

  • Kreissparkasse Kaiserslautern (BIC: MALADE51KLK)
  • Calvary Chapel Kaiserslautern
  • Acct/Konto Nr. 505446
  • Bank/Bankleitzahl Nr. 54050220
  • Full IBAN #: DE89540502200000505446

Make your Donation via Check

Checks can be made out to "Calvary Chapel Kaiserslautern."